The Green Door

Apologies. I'm simly not going to be able to comment on all your fine work tonight. Time is very much against me. In a fit of blind madness I bought Mrs.Joesblips a new PC this morning, running Windows7. You know what that means. Hours of trying to get all her stuff of the laptop and on to the new machine. It is not going well. Biggest problem is trying to find drivers for her Canon printer/scanner machine. According to Canon the drivers will work. According to Microsoft, they won't. Fun!! All my own fault. I should never have succumbed to the temptation of a bargain.
While the sun shone this morning I shot this rather vibrant green door. There I was sitting in the barber's shop having my hair cut when I looked out the window and spied it. Have walked past it a thousand timed without taking any notice. Sometimes we need to just stop and be still. Which is what I wish I could do now but the work beckons. Mrs.Joesblips is already suffering Facebook withdrawal symptoms!!

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