The Face of Innocence

INNOCENCE...MY BEHIND!!! If you look closely at the picture, you can see my wifes cell phone on the table, and the house phone on the floor. He steals them, holds them up to his ear and jabbers, then starts pressing buttons. Once, he dialed my niece in Illinois.

Need more? My walking shoes are in the background. He slips them on, and tries to walk in them. Funny, but not so funny when you start looking for them.

Even more? The little man is fascinated by balls of all shapes and sizes. It was one of his first words. "BAH", he says. At first we were giving him real golf balls, but now he is beginning to wing them. We took an informal vote this morning on whether to make the real golf balls disappear. My wife and I raised our hands. Holly, the blind dachshund raised her paw, and the ceramic angel in the picture window raised the only wing she has left. Merrick broke the other one this morning with a golf ball. I think we'll only give him the plastic ones from now on.

Innocent? Maybe not...but...look at that face...look at those eyes...look at that John Deere t-shirt...and, look at those camo slippers. C'mon... who can resist that? The boy makes us smile...even if he's being a little devilish.

My wife is taking my dad and I on a mystery trip tonight. I have to be ready at 5 p.m. Haven't got a clue, and my guesses have all came up empty. I don't think I like surprises.

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