Old 2556

I took a half-hour walk downtown, snapping some ducks and some flowers. I was on my way home when I heard the unmistakable sound of a train approaching from the east. I stopped in my tracks (ha) near the tracks, and readied my camera.

The red and white barriers...which were standing at attention...started their downward run to finish at 45 degrees. A car coming from the north (going too fast) swerved around both barriers to beat the train. I really love people...but it was my daily reminder that people are stupid. Who has to be in that big of a hurry that you endanger your life? Ignorant...or as my dad says...Ignert.

Trains are not what they used to be. If you put this in LARGE, you can't see anybody in the drivers seat. Who's driving this monster? I miss the old days where the trains rambled slowly through town, and the engineer was hanging out the side window waving, and he had on that classic blue striped hat that was covered with soot.

Another thing I miss? Where's the caboose? How can you have a train without a caboose? May I deduce...that a train on the loose...sans the caboose...is of no use. AM I BEING OBTUSE? To me...a train is not a train without its rear end.

Rant over. Lunch time. Hope everybody has a great weekend.

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