Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

House Fly

Today was an Addenbrookes hospital day, but for me this time. After two steroid injections, one in each hip we went over to the Beehive Centre to look at tumble dryers. Our tumble dryer gave up the ghost earlier this week and it was only thirty or so years old.

We visited Scotsdales Garden Centre for lunch and a look round, but by this time the anaesthetic from the injections was wearing off causing pain so we came home.

When I supervised my grandchildren this afternoon a pheasant wandered into the garden, but the shots I took with my point and press were not very sharp. Then a Fallow Deer wandered in to eat the blossom on one of her cherry plum trees, again it was not sharply focused. The ducks were too far away to even think about photographing.

So when I got home I went to see what I could find and today I have blipped a House Fly, which was standing on a chive stalk. Other pictures included a ladybird and four House Flies on a decaying yellow Hyacinth.

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