Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Another Bluebell with raindrops.

I make no apologies for another bluebell with raindrops as this is the picture I liked best today.

I took some pictures of the Discovery apple blossom buds, with raindrops; our apple blossom is not yet out, but I decided to save the apple blossom for when it actually comes out, if it ever does and before the pigeons eat it all. I also took some white flowers with raindrops.

As it has been raining all morning and it does not look like stopping, there were a lot of snails in the garden. In fact there must have been at least a hundred on the old fennel stalks alone, some of these are on Flickr and my blog. I am not keen on snails, but I was surprised by the variety of snail shell patterns and body colours of the snails. I suspect that the snails will soon find their way to the front garden where the hostas grow; perhaps they will not survive there very long.

This morning I have ordered four more fruit trees for the garden, an apple, pear, plum and cherry, they come with a free Queen Elizabeth rose bush. Hopefully my hips will be okay, or Mr A will be able to dig the holes to plant them and make the wire cages to protect them from the deer.

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