Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


After the torrential rain yesterday, we awoke to find we had a pond; this is a natural pond which goes up and down with the water table. It becomes a wild flower garden in the summer with a lot of Water Mint growing in it; a haven for wildlife including Red Soldier Beetles, insects and butterflies.

I took several pictures of the Mallards, which at times were fighting over the one female, but this picture shows, I think, which one she has chosen. To see the full pond, look here. To see what the same area looked like yesterday and more pictures of the Mallards, checkout my Flickr page.

In previous years, once there is a pond, we get a lot of wildlife visiting; often a pair of Moorhens bring their babies to the garden. In the past we have also had ducks and ducklings, usually Mallards, but occasionally other species; sometimes a heron will visit, but as there are no fish it soon loses interest. Subjects for future blips I hope.

Today I used Mr A's lens; I now know I want one!

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