Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

2 Girls

These two girls are having their final sleepover. All the usual stuff, giggles and chatter, but also some sombre moments too. I've just tucked them in bed, and now having a bit of a moment myself.

We had her family (except the middle son who is also having a final sleepover) over for tea tonight. It was fabulous. All the laughs that are always there. Managed to get through without being maudlin...but like I say, having a moment now.

I'll miss you guys so bloody much. Having friends like you is what makes the world that much brighter. May America bring you everything you want it to, and make sure you buy a house big enough for us to come and stay! Love you Stewart family xx

I'm dreading tomorrow morning's school drop off. It's going to be emotional.

In other news, thank you for the comments on my 300 yesterday. Very kind.

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