Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

At the Beach

We've had a bit of a puddle about day today. We had a visit this morning from Grandma, who stayed for lunch. She's mid preparation for leaving for a trip to the Northern Hemisphere, so needed to pick up some stuff from us, and also leave some stuff with us.

This afternoon we went down to Omana Beach, it was such a lush afternoon, and there were quite a few people swimming. Crazy! It was warm, but not that warm.

Off out tonight to the pub with the BFF's mum (or should that be mom now they're going back stateside?) and some of our friends. A little bit of a farewell. I hate goodbyes.

This is my 300! This first year of blips the milestones come thick and fast, don't they!

ANZAC day today. Lest we forget.

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