Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Happy St. George's Day.

I collected together a few small symbols of Englishness to focus on St. George's Day. The flag is surrounded by the main Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. from the Diana Cooper Unicorn cards set.
I have researched St. George and it seems that in days of olde, we had St. Michael as our patron. On Coventry Cathedral there is a powerful sculpture of St. Michael slaying the devil, and in the Book of Revelations this evil power is described as a dragon.
I gave some thought to what I love most about living in England and being English and I came up with an A to Z of what , to me, makes England a lovely land to live in.
Apples, Blackbirds singing , bees, Christianity, catherdrals, cats, the dawn chorus, designer goods,
eating out, Education,eco friendly shops and gadgets,football, fashion, food, fairs,gardens,
home, ice cream, especially Cornish , Justice, kittens, lambs, music, newspapers, oak trees, Open Art Exhibitions, photography, our Queen,roses,rugby, The Royal Family, sports, strawberries,old red telephone boxes, team spirit,umbrellas, universities,vegetable growing,villages, wholefoods, x-rays,Yorkshire puddings, zoos that care about the animals.
Have a wonderful day.

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