
By izzmac

London Marathon 2012

I've run four London Marathons. It's a wonderfully humbling experience and one that underscores ones faith in human nature. Thousands of people giving up their time to train and then to run 26.2 miles to raise over £50 million for charity. Make no mistake about it they are all athletes. For the elite runners it's an easy 2 odd hours gliding on your feet. For the masses it can be a whopping 5-7 hours plodding it out on your feet.

I ended up watching it at the Embankment about 2 miles from the finish. I could still see the determination and focus on the runners' faces as they knew the finish line was not far away. The pain is temporary but the pride of the finisher is forever. There will be a lot of sore feet and blisters tomorrow but thousands of very proud people.

I'll be there next year.

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