
Today's the day ............................... for unexpected benefits

When I came from work today, there was a letter from the Inland Revenue waiting for me. You know - one of those brown, window envelopes that you just really don't want to open.

Eventually I did open it though and on first glance it seemed that I was due a tax rebate. How ridiculous, I thought - and with a big sigh, I phoned them up (in Newcastle) and proceeded to tell them why it was totally wrong.

The nice PAYE man listened to my ramblings - probably wondering why anyone would ever dispute that they had paid too MUCH tax - pointed out that it was for the tax year 2010/11 and that it was actually quite correct. My joy knew no bounds. As I said to him - if he had been in the room, I would have hugged him.

So - why the picture of the kiwi plant that Will had as a birthday present last year? Well, on close examination of it today, I think that not only has it survived the winter, but those little buds may be flowers which might turn into fruit. And if the Inland Revenue is right and they do owe me some money - it's going to go towards that trip to New Zealand that we would love to do next year.

Unexpected benefits all round ..................................

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