
Today's the day ............................. to stay dry

I was working today so I've been inside all day. It was only when I got home and had a bit of a wander round the garden that I could see that it had been raining - quite heavily too by the look of things.

It was a quiet day at work and I was lucky to have help from Mary and Adrian - two of our best volunteers - so I could leave them to it and really get lots done. At the end of the afternoon, there were three people left in the Exhibition - a young woman, her mother and her grandmother - three generations who obviously enjoyed being in each other's company. Eventually they said goodbye and left.

I was just about to start closing up when the grandmother slipped back in, grabbed an embroidery kit and handed it to me while she got out her purse to pay for it. "Can you put it in a bag? I want it to be a surprise" she said. "It's my granddaughter's birthday soon - and I think she would like it."

Nice end to the day, I thought ......................

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