Today's the day

By sheilwill

Suspect rabbit

Today's the day .................... to help with enquiries

A funny thing happened to me on my way home from work today. I had just walked along the riverside and I was cutting up to the road through the car park of the Police Station - when I saw an enormous rabbit. Yes, honestly.

It was acting in quite a suspicious way - really looking hard at the line of police cars - and not bothered about me at all. Fortunately (now that I'm a proper paid up bona fide blipper) I had my camera to hand and I managed to capture it - digitally, I mean. It disappeared under one of the cars and I carried on up the road.

However, unbeknown to me, my snapping had been noticed by a policeman sitting undercover in a car nearby. He got out of the car and came towards me,
"Can I help you?" he said
"Not really," said I. "There's a huge rabbit over there"
"Could it be a hare?" he replied.

I think I said something like, I wasn't sure, but I just quickly went on my way trying to decide which one of us was the more bizarre. Of course, the only witness who could corroborate my story had long since legged it ............................?!

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