Lou-ie...the Juv-ie

I always brag on the Sandhill Cranes for being such great parents. But at least 5 times this week, I've seen these young cranes with no momma or poppa in sight. Maybe they're big enough to not have supervision. Who am I to judge?

I stayed in bed today until 1:30 p.m. Feeling poorly with cold symptoms. Chilly spells, achy, and stuffy head. It got so bad that I watched a Ben Affleck/ Sandra Bullock movie whose title I have already forgotten.

Next up was a Hugh Grant movie...and that's where I draw the line. No Hugh Grant and no Woody Allen movies for me. Both of them are too creepy. Hiring a call girl when you're married to Elizabeth Hurley, and marrying your adopted daughter. (I just throw up a little in my mouth.)

Then I took Lisa for a little drive in the country. Cranes and horsies and llamas and hawks. I rarely get to see the cranes this close...so the crane wins. I'm a sucker for a good eyeball, and watching this eyeball sure beats watching Annie Hall.

Click on TALL for a look at eyeball!

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