Old Man...Young Woman

Today, we went and visited the Flint Institute of Arts. Myself, my wife Lisa, and S-I-L and B-I-L Lori and Steve. I picked up the admissions for everybody. $7 x 4 =28 bucks. (Actually...it was Target-free Saturday.) Target...the American department store...paid our way in. Nice of them.

I had to sign a waiver in order to take photographs, and wear a sticker that said PHOTOGRAPHER. Made me feel kind of special. Wish I would have taken my better camera.

The old man staring at my wife is almost freaky. He's probably 2 feet tall, but his face is only 4 inches wide. Very strange, but amazingly life-like. Age spots, in need of a haircut, a bad shave, wrinkles, and a uni-brow. Don't put it into LARGE...unless you want nightmares.

I finally asked my wife..."Doesn't looking at that old guy freak you out?" She answered..."Honey...I've been looking at an old guy for the last 15 years." OUCH! (Well...at least she called me Honey.)

I took a few other pictures, but I think I'll save them for another day. Mostly some bronzes, and some Dale Chiluly glass pieces. (Very colorful.)

I could kick myself for not getting the artist's name, and more details about this piece. I don't even know what it's made of.

Maybe next time...at the front desk...I'll ask for a REPORTER sticker to go along with the PHOTOGRAPHER sticker. Might help.

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