
This was a hard shot to get. Meercats are not an every day find in Argyll. (spoken in hushed tone)Had to quietly sneak out of the car, then crawl along the ground on my belly with utter silence and stealth! Once close enough I raised the camera up just a fraction, took aim and as quietly as possible squeezed the shutter. The ever alert Loch ? (must keep their location top secret lest SNH get wind of them) meercat nearsest raised its head as it got my scent while the others scampered around the loch. But its was all credit to my superior experience as a big game hunter of Highland coos in the Utter Hebrides that allowed me to get so close to fire off a shot of this rare Argyllshire beastie rarer even than these shark toothed beavers that are chewing their way through Malcolm's rapidly diminishing estate!

No meercats were harmed in the taking of this shot

Happy blipping all

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