This day

By snapper

Colours of light!

Managed to steal away from the computer as I had to go to Inveraray to meet a few folks and as hubby was with me we had a late lunch at the George Hotel. The food is always good and resonable at the George Hotel.
On the way back to the car I saw this very low rainbow. the ancients used to say if a rainbow had both its sides in the same village, it fortold of a death there!
Oddly enough the old saying of a ringing in the ears also fortells of a death. I got it last week and mentally checked all the likley names off in my head. Today I got an email telling me one of my old uni pals had died on Sunday from an asthma attack, he was only in his early 50's. His name was not one of the ones I mentally checked off! You just never know the minute as they say. RIP my banjo playing friend, your life was too short. This rainbow is for you!

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