Oh Crap!

As I was down the town anyhows I decided to go into the council offices and ask if they still supplied free poo bags for us doggy owners. Indeed they did and back she came with a sealed bag of bags!
When I got home and opened the outer bag fully expecting to find the usual small plain green poo bags what did I find but the biggest, most obvious poo bags in creation!
Firstly they are humogous! Secondly they are white! Thirdly they come with some interesting captions "Please use this bag for car & dog litter and dispose of properly!" do they mean dispose of the car, dog or the litter? They are even sponsored by something called the Grab Trust forsooth! someone had put a lot of thought into that one "Grab" is that not what you indeed do when scooping up your dog crap. IT also says "Happy Dogs, Clean Enviroment & Clear Conscience" and FINALLY it has The ARgyll & Bute Council Logo on it!
Now I am sometimes in Glasgow or the EAst Coast or anywhere outwith Argyll walking my dogs and now folks will know that this dog crap languishing in the street bin has been put there by some eejit from Argyll! IS this what I pay my rates for! to be shamed in other parts of Scotland . Will people think Argyll people are sneaking into their areas under the cover of darkness to dispose of their dog crap! I notice on the other side of the bag there is a picture of an VW car!! does that imply that VW drivers are mucky buggers! Just to demonstrate some other uses for this odd crap bag, here is Abbie dog moddeling it as a waterproof coat! I wonder how many other uses folks can come up with ! Honestly what a load of crap!
Happy blipping alll

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