Play nice

Saturday was a loud & busy day containing 4 raucous children - I managed to capture a slightly tranquil moment here...

I spent the day tidying over myself constantly, trying to get things straight. I organized send of the books on the shelves & tried to find places for lots of things- quite unsuccessfully in most cases...

I think it's taking Ferguson more time to adjust, as he's crying a lot & having mini tantrums & has asked me on more than one occasion about "going home".
I know it's only a matter of time, I just want him to be happy....

There is also an apparent issue concerning the garden. Not only has the gentleman at no.11 claimed the "summerhouse" as his, whilst Alex was starting to prune our garden & clear the steps for the children to safely go down there, the lady from no.9 came out & claimed the garden as theirs.....!

Someone has quite literally been lead up the garden path!
Alex is going to call the letting account handler guy tomorrow & try & straighten things out, I really, really hope that garden is ours since that was a large factor in us choosing to come & Iive here.....

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