
2years 171days

Last full day of holiday today, and it was pretty wet and grey, but that didnt bring the children down! They made Easter nests this morning, and couldnt quite believe that they got to bash up shredded wheat for the nests, then smack chocolate on the floor to break it up. They enjoyed stirring lots and spooning it all into the nests (read, sneaking as many bits as they could from the bowl to their mouths). Katie was very excited when Tyson the dog came back down to visit them. They had a big play before snuggling down for sleeps again, whilst the mummies cracked on with some cooking.

When they'd got up and been fed, we headed to the farm. Singing LOTS of wiggles songs on the way. In the time outside, it was the puddles that they loved the most. They did say hello to the goats and the alpacas before it was declared too cold. We stopped by the petting area and they stroked rabbits and chickens. Katie was desperate to take the rabbit home. We said hello to the teeny duck, quail and chicken chicks. they then spent two hours tearing round the big play barn soft play. Katie was a bit timid of the big slides at first but after 6 times taking Mummy round, she was happy to go off with Ellie. I took her into another bit and she went down the curly wurly slide. We went back round again and I was going down the mini drop slide. Katie decided she was going too. So off she went. She loved it. Lyra wasnt letting Katie top her, so off she went too. Our children are fearless. Apart from when it comes to men dress as giant Easter rabbits. That scared the heebeegeebies out of Katie. Totally terrified her.

They then had a play outside on the ride on tractors before having a fantastic play in a gorgeous wooden fort. Yes, the mummies and daddy had just as much fun. They then went to say hello to a rather huge mummy pig, who came to say hello back. A little too close for Katie's liking actually! It was three tired girlies we packed back into the car. Cue rather hyper Wiggles songs and actions all round!

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