Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Last Light of the Day

Today we drove north through California on Highway 101. We stopped for a short while in Santa Maria to see our granddaughter Desiree and our great grandson Tristan. They have just recently moved back to California from Norman, Oklahoma. This also gave us the opportunity to meet Bridgette, who Desiree is living with. They have been friends since junior high school. Bridgette has a son who is just 2 months older than Tristan.

Then we got back on the road and had to make a decision -- with is not one of our strengths -- we needed to decide whether we would drive out to the coast--to the Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria, and San Simeon--to spend the night and then tomorrow drive up the coast to Monterey or just stay on 101 and get to Monterey to stay a couple nights and then drive south through the Big Sur Coast to Cayucos.

We're in Monterey this evening, so that gives away which choice was our decision. We're delighted to be here, and we found the drive through the lush green fertile Salinas Valley was lovely. We viewed mile after mile of vineyards and as we got closer to Salinas/Monterey the fields became all types of vegetables and also lots of strawberries. The green of the fields was spectacular.

Right after getting here, we stopped to secure our overnight reservation; we'll be here for two night with the option for a third night. Then we drove to Cannery Row to have an early dinner right on the Monterey Bay. Dinner was delicious. The view was too because we were ushered to a booth on a window.

After we ate, we drove to Point Pinos to watch the waves. The wind was fierce and the back spray off the waves was very entertaining. Lots of folks were walking, jogging, and bike riding. We were both quite content to watch from the warmth of our little rental car.

After the sun vanished we drove back to our room and have now settled in to download the day's catch from my camera, feed the furry babies, and get a good night's sleep so we'll enjoy tomorrow's adventure here in Monterey.

It's spring break and we're in runaway mode!
Good night from Monterey, CA.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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