Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Morning Comes Softly

When Mr. Fun came up the stairs this morning with my French press of coffee and gently twirled open the wooden blinds on our master bedroom window, he expressed surprise. "Oh! It's pink out there!" I casually responded, "Grab my camera and step onto the deck and capture it." And he did.

As I downloaded my photos this evening I had forgotten that Mr. Fun clicked the camera this morn. So he is today's blipper and I'm giving him full credit. I like what he captured.

It has been a full and wide day. I enjoyed two classes of thoroughly engaged students this morning. They had a project to submit -- ugh, more grading -- and their project is a Working Bibliography, which is a document that records the I.D. info of an article, a book, a newspaper article and all of the above. They've been assigned over a dozen articles in my class this semester. A Working Bibliography is a very precise, specific document.

I asked them to get into groups and look at each other's finished draft to check for errors and discreptancies. They all realized they had made errors, too many errors, and as I directed them toward their textbook pages of instruction (which had been clearly referenced on their assignment instructions), they quickly caught-on to what they had missed while working on their own. I could hardly believe how engaged they all were in the classroom this morning.

So before collecting their project, I gave them all the opportunity to get to the computer lab to make the corrections and then submit the paper to me a short while after class had concluded. It was a good time in both of my morning classes. I'm hoping that each student has submited a quality paper that earns a high score, but mostly, I 'm just thrilled that they've done more than earn a grade, they've truly learned about creating a document that they will be asked to create again with every term project they will compose as they move through college.

I arrived home late this afternoon totally exhausted. I didn't have to beg or convince Mr. Fun that we ought to take a nap. I never, and I do mean NEVER, take a nap. I was so tired that it sounded wonderful. So we laid down and I think I snoozed for a short while, a very SHORT while, and then I was awake again. So I checked emails on my phone while Mr. Fun snoozed for a little over an hour . Then I woke him and said we needed to get downstairs and prepare some dinner.

Now I am so tried that I can hardly keep my eyes open. So I'm soon headed to bed.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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