
2years 164days

I had set the alarm this morning, as I've got a busy day today. I neednt have bothered - Katie decided at 4.45 that it was up time. Thankfully she lay on the settee for a while watching a DVD and I managed half an hour dozing, but we were still up and at it by 5.15 am! She'd had breakfast and was washed, dressed etc an hour later.

She asked very early on to watch the Princess skatings. She sat on the computer desk for ages, watching them over and over again, on a repeat slideshow, all 200 images! She also has chatted about seeing the ballet, so both have made quite an impact on her.

She then sat on the computer desk singing to me, "1,2,3,4,5"; "Wind the Bobbin", "Gonna Build a House", "Twinkle, Twinkle" and more.

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