To pop or not to pop

17 months 12 days

To colour pop or not to colourpop, that is. And that is the question I spent literally ten minutes debating, flicking between colour-popped layer and non-colour-popped layer. In the end I decided the colourpopped one didnt look like she was holding the lolly so dumped it. But I quite liked the full B&W one instead!

We had a really nice leisurely morning. Katie had been too shattered to put in the bath last night so we had one this morning. I'd just stripped her ready and she decided she 'had' to have shreddies. And that she had to be in the bath. So she did. Before the badparenting police are after me, don't get me wrong, Katie does not get everything that Katie wants! But I do pick my battles, and those I dont have a problem with, don't get fought. Every other day, almost every other meal, she eats in the highchair. We had a lovely chilled out bath. She had a fantastic play time afterwards, starkers for an hour. I got beautiful photos of her reading to her baby, of her curls, of her little toes. But this one won.

We went out for a walk to get a job done, she was snuggled in a fab new spring-weight waterproof suit we've got and she was very excited about it - she loves coats. Plays with them for ages, begs to wear them. After a nice walk, we went to the play cafe. Katie was very pleased to see the staff and even more pleased when her little friend Tatiana arrived.

We came home after some lunch and had a wonderful afternoon just playing at home. We made some cards - she enjoyed doing colouring and sticking. We made a cake (Grandad, don't tell Granny!) We had an impromptu messy play. Using a big box of shreddies. On the lounge floor. Not our usual venue. Little Miss snuck in the cupboard as I was getting her juice and ran away with the box. But then they were out, so she played and enjoyed it. Mummy hoovered later. .

All in all, a fab Saturday.

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