Having a Think

2years 165days

I'd love to see inside that mind of hers, see what it is that she watches so intently in her thoughts.

The early starts continued. Bathed, dressed and fed by 6.30am is seeming a bit of a habit. One that I'm hoping stops very very quickly - we're away from Thursday for a few days, to people who's children don't inflict this on them and would rather they didnt learn the trick! However, she's been thoroughly delightful since she got up. She's doing some serious mummy-play with her doll and a few other friends.

She's had very definite ideas about what she wants to wear for quite a while, but now, almost before she's got to her wardrobe, she's telling me which dress she wants, as though she's been planning her outfits.

Nursery today. Victoria's coming to us this morning to take her, before we go off. I am hoping Maike is dropping her off tonight, there's snow forecast, cold weather at the least. Granny and Grandad are coming to see us tonight for some tea too.

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