Power Play
A big day today that started out with a potential disaster. The best time to buy stuff at a convention is just before they close it as the folk are keen to not have to ship stuff home so?R went and favoured a tripod. It was one of those Carbon Fibre jobs, weighed 2 pounds and had great leg clips so one thing led to another and the plastic took a hit. It (R said) was an amazing price for a CF tripod. Anyway as we were going Museum looking R thought it might be an idea to put his new treasure on the pack and the only way this would work was to REMOVE ME!!! Well?Common sense prevailed (and it didn't fit very well) so I am still here. Man there would have been BIG TROUBLE if things had gone the other way.
The Holocaust Museum is a must see in Washington and even I found it a very sobering experience. We all discovered stuff that we had not known. No further comment from me on this. (I am only a stuffed dog so what do I know)
The Washington Monument is impressive at the best of times so no apology for another shot. This lighting was irresistable.
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