Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Point of View

Retail therapy so after morning Coffee we hopped on the Metro and off to Pentagon City Mall which we were told is the retail therapy centre for Washington DC. Well from the view I had it would appear that it was and pretty soon A was reaching for the "Plastic Fantastic" as we explored the three floors and the big stores that A loves in the US. It was not all one sided as R found some jeans and sneakers he fancied and they both found a grocery place and got components for "supper" This is Tea or Dinner in US speak but either way it was delicious. Great loss today as MY FRIEND DIANA left and returned to her home in Space City. (Huntsville Allabama) We are all missing her .
R shot a couple of blips but when they returned to the pub he noticed this out the window and it became today's.
Thanks for all the comments. I will try to catch up if I can.

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