Sunday HUBshot

Crazy day.
Up early, and Steve was on PA at church.

Took the boys to the beach with the rest of the family, and then missed my bus to Charley's swimming lesson. Mooched in Debenhams (LOVING their boys clothes range at the moment!) to pass the time, caught the next bus, was late to swimming but as Charley is now over his fear and anger at water, I was not concerned. Fab lesson - Charley now has the "underwater... abovewater... same difference, whatever" attitude! He then dunked himself by sneezing.

Bus home was not due for 20 minutes so I walked to the pub with a screaming hungry baby. Then I walked to the co-op for cash, and walked back to the pub with the screaming hungry baby to pay for my diet cola. Then I could sit and feed the hungry baby at last. I was very cross at the unhelpfulness of the pub. Wish I'd gone and sat in the greasy spoon I'd passed instead.

Steve picked us up, and took us home where lunch had been cooked for us by Aunty Sue - yum yum yum! Lunch was followed by a bit of a time out for me and 2 exhausted boys with cuddles on the bed. Ben fell off Matt's knee before lunch and hurt himself and that was the end of bonkers hour, after walking for miles around town.

Ate the rest of the raspberry mini-Hermans during the afternoon. Must make some more of them. LOTS more. Then Matt and Sue went home.

Bathed the boys, had various bits for tea, almost fell asleep with Charley on the sofa, put the boys to bed, fell asleep with the boys, woke up to deal with a hypo and to blip and will be back to bed in a jiffy.

Getting irritated with the laptop. Ben managed to knock the laptop table yesterday while he was sitting with Steve, and Steve's drink spilled over the laptop - laptop is ok, apart from the backspace key is a bit sticky and REALLY annoying....

Dentist tomorrow morning. Feeling a bit nervous to be honest. Even with the sedation. Hope Charley's sleep / feeding timings work out ok. At least I won't remember anything about the treatment!

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