Father and Son

Daddy and Charley, playing with Bippety, watching yesterday's Grand Prix. Don't give it away. I know the result but Steve has resisted finding out so he can enjoy the race.

Woke up too late to have breakfast today. That's never a good idea. Stumbled downstairs to find the letter from the dentists as Steve had a sudden thought about whether I needed to not eat for a certain amount of time beforehand, and I'd missed my food opportunity by half an hour. At least I got a shower though but I was so tired I didn't want to get in, and so tired I didn't want to get out at the end!

Got upset at the dentist though. Asked if I was breastfeeding, and then said you know you won't be able to feed baby for 24 hours after, as the drug stays in your system? Well I replied, I didn't know this, I would have pumped if I'd been told. But, I said, my understanding of most drugs like this is that as soon as you are fully alert again it is safe to breastfeed. Couldn't remember the BfN's name off the top of my head while I was there but the dentist checked some website and repeated 24 hours. I said fine, we'll figure something out (I was thinking along the lines of asking for donations of ebm at this point!) because I couldn't delay the treatment any longer.

Anyway I have had half the work done, no probs, Charley screamed out of earshot thankfully, and on the way home I did my own research on the BfN website and asking on the Analytical Armadillo's fb page and my suspicions were correct, it was safe to feed Charley as soon as I felt up to it. I shall go armed with info next time, as there will be a next time for the other half of the work.

Home and fed both boys who both appeared to get more hyper if anything! Four hours later the anaesthetic still hadn't worn off and I had to drink a warm hot chocolate through a straw, to get some calories in me!

After an exhausted Benjamin had a meltdown I took both boys to bed. While Ben slept we sorted out a bit of the attic and put away all the boxes that mum and dad brought down with them. And found various bits of treasure while we were up there - but still no sewing machine foot. I wonder if I'll ever find it. It must be up there somewhere.

Mum and dad have been persuaded to stay for tea in light of the accident on the M42 this afternoon, we're hoping that by the time they set off the traffic might have died down and the diversions around the area will be easy to get through. They have been invaluable this weekend, looking after Ben, good company, helping out, getting those boxes into the attic, hoovering, washing up.

I'm going to miss them.

Life goes back to its quiet bumblingness tomorrow for a few weeks. No more visiting relatives for a while. One expedition northernwards to arrange in the next couple of months which I'm looking forward to so much I might actually burst with anticipation, and an adventure londonwards after that (both blip related!), but other than that, things are looking mercifully quiet!

Which is more than can be said for Ben. He needed that sleep. But he's bouncing off the ceiling now.

My face hurts now. And the amnesiac effect of the sedation is beginning to work. I'm rapidly forgetting things. Apart from the breastfeeding / sedative thing. But the actual procedure, which I remember being able to remember, is fading. Time for more food, and more painkillers. At least I can actually feel my whole face again!

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