Steppen(wolf) into Time

"In eternity there is no time, only an instant long enough for a joke."
Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Maya Jane Coles - Little One

Somehow whatever can be done, no matter how much time you have, it comes to no avail. Sure, it can make someone smile, you can make yourself happy, you can continuously re-confirm your life but.... and that's just it, "but".

I had a discussion today about "choice" and seperating oneself from the crowd. We talked about the idea of either subsiding to the norm or standing in your truth in order to be yourself. Through much debate, it was understood that having too much choice squanders any progress and limited choices perhaps eases the move forward. Although adamantly beginning the conversation about being individual, the idea of being alone to make an infinite amount of choices was too daunting, hence conforming to the group. How reassuringly sad.

I had many things that I thought about that I wanted to write today. They just ended up being this.

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