White Day

Adolfo, Antonio & Brazil ft. Brazuka - Luizao

Today is White Day. The day where men give returning gifts to women from Valentine's Day! Yes, can you believe it? In Japan, women give men the chocolate. Awesome, huh? Well, this day is to show thanks and love.

White Day in Japan in slightly more detail.

The crew at a really awesome burger joint in Kasugai called Brother69 organised an amazing stunt where they wore angel wings to distribute roses to the lovely women of Nagoya at Nagoya station at 8:00am during rush hour and boy was it a sight to behold. I was privleged to be ask to join and shoot for them because it was simply a pure pleasure seeing so many people smile. The drone of the everyday was washed away from people's faces and this beautiful spirit really came through.

Although there are many people handing out fliers by stations in Japan, it wasn't surprising when some women refused, but as they saw the other angels handing out roses, they came back or were too shy and just looked kind of regretful. Thankfully they weren't left out and received some a little later. Some women were staring out into space and when they received a rose, seriously, it was as if something incredibly strange had happened and they smiled directly into the sky! The cops asked us to go outside of the station, but they received some too. :)

It was a wicked day and although I'm really tired now, somehow I just feel so happy.

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