A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

Hello Daddy...

"...Mummy has been cooking all morning, and when she disappeared into the living room for a second I got stuck in to the bolognaise sauce with the wooden spoon. Its delicious!! I have saved lots on my face for afters!"

We had a great day pottering about the house, cooking, playing etc. Cameron's friend who left nursery last year to go to school popped round in the afternoon and its amazing how at that age they just pick up as they left off. They haven't seen each other since early this year but it was like they had never been apart. I think adults can learn a lot from young children.

Hubby home tonight from Dublin, and I imagine he will be feeling very delicate. Really need to talk over the promotion offer with someone as I'm still terrified. A promotion of one level would have left me ecstatic, but two levels and overtaking a couple of Senior Managers who are currently my senior is more than slightly daunting. They will be so put out and angry :-(

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