A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

First Shoes

So, we had first independent steps around a month ago but only persistent cruising since then. However, Rory is desperate to conduct the cruising outdoors so I had to take the plunge and buy some crawling/proper shoes which I know will only last around 6-8 weeks. Being measured for new shoes was not something he particularly enjoyed, and in fact he burst into tears when he saw his brother being measured as well - cute!

After a hectic week I was desperate for an early night last night, which was thwarted by a phone call from my boss in the US offering me the most ridiculous promotion out of the blue! So, a sleepless night was had rather than an early night. Lot of mulling over to be done once hubby gets back from Dublin, but a promotion is not something that you can really turn down, is it? Hubby is in Dublin for Six Nations match, celebrating on my behalf as he is chuffed to bits while I'm at home trembling with fear!!

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