A year of adventure

By sjones

Day 69. Very exciting day =]

Today we had to do work, as William gave us a whole bunch of things to do when he came through yesterday. We worked through our lunchbreak, so that we could finish at 4. At about 3.30 Stacey was still doing work and I straightened her hair for her and we were chatting, we sent Sam to get ready because we were going to do sundowners at Eliweni and then doing to dinner in Grahamstown. I finished Staceys hair just after 4 and said to her maybe she should go with Sam to Colchester to get the bits for sundowners, she said she thought that was a good idea and so off they went so that I could shower and change and I wanted to curl my hair too. When they got back I had finished doing my hair and makeup and put on my new dress, which they both told me looked stunning. We were packing the bags to go to Eliweni and they had bought champagne instead of vodka to do cocktails with, Stacey told me it was because it was lower alcohol and we still had to drive from here to Grahamstown for dinner, I thought fair enough and just believed her. When we got to Eliweni we unpacked all the things and put the stuff on plates and poured the drinks Stacey wandered off to get something.
The Sam proposed! Hehe. It was very exciting.
I rang my parents and we rang Sam's parents too. Then we had to pack up and go back to our house, swap cars and then go into grahamstown for dinner. I had to drive the landrover back from Eliweni, I've not driven the landrover much since I've been here and I was still in shock, so it felt like the longest drive back ever. We drove into Grahamstown and went to this cute little thai restaurant, the food was really good, but I didn't really eat much as I was too excited and had butterflies in my stomach. It was a lovely meal and the three of us sat and chatted and it was really nice. We stopped at a garage on the way back so that I could get some more airtime as I had a lot of phone calls to make. We got back and Sam and I sat and chatted for a while and prayed about our future, which was really nice. Then we went to bed. I managed to get hold of Auntie Ann, Patsi and Amy this evening and have to do the rest tomorrow.

This is Sam telling his Mum and Dad.

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