A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 67 and 68

Sunday 11th December:
We got up this morning and went out Cheetah monitoring with Natalie, which was just amazing. They are such beautiful animals. Then when we got back we had to go over and clean the club, and the electricity was out today. I got a text from William this morning to say that church was at the Nanaga church if we wanted to go, so Sam and I helped at the club for a while and then went to church and came back, via Nanaga as it is across the road from the church. Stacey was still at the club cleaning when we got back so we went over and helped her. William bought a maid in the afternoon and she washed dishes and stuff so Stacey didn't have to. We had a message when we got back from church from Rhian and Julie to say that their game viewer was going onto Shamwari for drive this afternoon and Sam and I were welcome to go if we wanted to. So at 3 o'clock we went over and met them at Carnarvon Dale and Kobus was the ranger that day. We went on a lovely drfive, I hadn't been on Shamwari before so it was a new experience for me too. We did sundowners properly off the front of the landie and then went back to Quartermains camp for a drink before coming back to the club, it was a lovely evening.

Monday 12th December:
Today we had a meeting with William this morning about all the bits that were going on.
This evening was Kobus' leaving do at the club, we had a braii and a load of the rangers and other people from the reserve came over. It was really good fun and I ended up chatting to Julie for a long time.

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