A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 70 and 71

Wednesday 14th December:
We got up early to work this morning, but I really struggled to settle to anything, I don't think I sat down for more than 5 minutes. I tried to get hold of auntie Jane all morning, eventually I managed to get hold of her just after lunchtime. William was at the club today sorting stuff out and the tables were delivered for the wedding on Saturday. He was just about to walk out the door at the club when Stacey said to me 'Sian have you told William?' I said no, so she told me 'go on then' so I called after him and he turned round and said 'yes?' so I told him Sam and I got engaged yesterday and he said congratulations and gave me a huge hug and said it was the best news he had heard all day. Then he went over to our house with us to congratulate Sam and then asked to see my ring. IN the evening we heard that there was a braii going on at Kraiibos and so we kept our fingers crossed that no one wanted to come and play sport so that we could go. We were very lucky and so we went up there for a little while. Sam and I were talking and I got a little upset as he is leaving soon and so we went outside for a while, then we came back to the house, leaving Stacey there as she wanted to party, had dinner and went to bed as we have an early start tomorrow.

Thursday 15th December:
This morning Sam and I had to get up early and drive to Grahamstown to meet William to go up the the great fish river reserve to dart and load 15 buffalo which were being sold to another reserve. They were already in Bomas and I actually went with William a few weeks ago to go and dart them and do DNA kits and measure their horns. We left our car in Grahamstown and went with Will to the other reserve. It was good fun and involved a lot of climbing over fences. I was giving the injections, multivite, lentrax and dectomax and Siseko was standing on top of the lorry separating and monitoring the buffalo that had been loaded already. I gave Sam my camera so he took lots of photos for me. It was exciting and Sam enjoyed it too, although he was a little scared when the calf ran towards him, as we did not dart the calves but caught them and put them on the lorry with their mothers. Then we drove back to the house and I showered quickly and got dressed and then Stacey and I headed into PE as we had a meeting with Lion Roars about the conferenceing stuff for the club, but first we needed to go to Makro to get some things ahead of the wedding at the club on Saturday. The meeting went well and afterwards we decided to go down to the beachfront and have a drink and dinner before coming back, as Sam was going out on game drive with Siseko this evening, so wouldn't be back when we arrived home anyway. It was a really nice meal and nice to have a change on scenery. I ordered food for Sam too and we got it in a take away box to bring back. We got home just after Sam and Siseko got back, so it was good timing. It was a really busy but a really lovely day.

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