Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Driving the Car

In quite a lot of pain overnight so decided to have a day of doing nothing - no housework or anything. H's Daddy dropped her at nursery eventually this morning - he forgot she was in the car and headed straight onto the motorway into gridlocked traffic before remembering he hadn't dropped her off! What a div!

I lazed around and watched some TV before collecting H at 5 o'clock. She seemed to have had another good day, making bumble bees as part of an insect project, and playing with the dolls and on the trampoline.

We came home and I unbuckled H's car seat in the driveway so she could pick something up from the floor, and when I came back out from taking bags into the house, I discovered that she had climbed into the drivers seat and fancied taking the car for a spin. The idea that I could sit in her car seat was mentioned but I don't think I would fit.

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