Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Cleaning Spree

Work for me today, but H and her Daddy went to swimming, then down to visit H's Granny. H's Daddy left her there with all her gear to stay overnight and returned home to do some cleaning. His friends are coming to stay at the weekend, so he used his time wisely, and hoovered the entire house, cleaned all of the skirting boards, and all of the bathrooms.

It was strange to come home to a quiet house and be able to leave the stair gates open, but also nice to have some time to ourselves. It's amazing how much longer the night seemed. Even though I didn't get home from work until 7.30pm, the night seemed to be hours longer, not having to do H's bedtime and prepare her for the next day. We spent the evening watching American Idol!!

Today's highlight was a delicious lunch at an Indian buffet in the city centre. It was my friend L's maternity leave lunch and was delicious. She is due 2 weeks today and looks ready to pop.

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