Above grazing level

Met up with Rancid early this monring to head west with Juno for a wee hill.

Rancid like early morning starts and was chatting away about his recent adventures. This included a listen to one track of a Dutch heavy metal band.

We got to the bottom of the hill and the mist was swirling around the tops, no view today.

The start was through a regeneration woodland so Juno was free, over the fence the white lawnmowers were about so it was lead time for her.

No warm up it was straight up at a constant steep angle, a few ravens punctured the mist showing their skills in flight.

A recent snow fall capped the summit cone much to the joy of Juno who was rolling around in it. Summit reached with a bting wind and moisture in the air, we retreated, mentally we had had noted boulders and features that allowed us to descend through the crags without much worry.

A potter around at the bottom and some food and then we headed home. Tea and scones with the pensioners in a Stirlingshire village as a stop off.

Eco daughter's parents evening at school, the usual teacher huggers taking up far too much time, they should have a huge countdown clock and a shepherd's crock for the next one waiting to use.

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