
Up early for some shopping.

I was in charge of the clubs girls' u13 teams today so we played against each other. It was a brilliant game of football and of the 20 girls there I have coached 19 of them in my time. The league starts next week and I will be delighted to help out the younger team next week on their first fixture as the team I coach do not have a game(11 teams in league).

Back home with Eco daughter, lunch with the family and then we all went our separate ways.

I headed to the allotment and was tidying up and set a fire to burn all the old raspberry canes and bramble cuttings. I felt a sharp pain on my foot, I thought it was a blister until I realised my shoe was smoldering, ahhh got it off quickly.

Having a family dinner and then it will be ironing and early to bed.

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