
No work today, first day of a week off.

I walked Juno to the allotment over a couple of the hills and by 2 waterways.

Planted out the broad beans, under glass structure to protect for the next couple of weeks.

Shallots planted and left ot the elements.

Juno did not settle so headed over to the orchard plot to plant gooseberries, quinces and damsons, need more cardboard and some help to cover the plots with leaf mould.

Headed back home, what a cracking day, I had to get home to let some workmen in. They came and they checked out the work, a good chat and they will get back.

The family came home and tea was ready.

Tutoring tonight, sin, cos and tan graphs as well as some past papers.

Out to the allotment to get more cardboard on route.

Off to the hills tomorrow with Juno, early start.

The frogs are early this year with the spawn.

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