Glentress Mess

The household were all catching up on their sleep this morning.

I had promised to take eco son and his pals to Glentress for some biking.

Bikes on the roof, boys in the car and off early.

As we headed south the hills were white with the overnight snow.

I dropped the boys at the top car park in the lying snow, they were keen to blast thorugh the virgin snow.

Back home for me and chores, eco mum failed in shoe shopping with the ever choosy eco daughter.

Eco daughter wanted to help out with the horses so we headed to the stables, I got a phone call and headed to bike uo biker boys.

What a state I founf the boys in, smiling and muddy. The back seat protected with Juno's fleece blanket.

First drop off we hosed the bikes down as they stood on the roof, mud everywhere.

Picked up the girls, made tea and I am just going to head to the dark allotment to pop the onoins in the greenhouse and water the broadbeans.

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