Today's Special

By Connections

Every Four Years

OK, so the sky didn't turn yellow during this morning's heavy snow, but the weirdness of the huge, wind-swirled flakes and the fact that no snow was falling a couple of hundred feet lower made me think that this image deserved some special treatment. It was a back-pocket, just-in-case shot anyway -- I was sure I'd find some food and drink to blip when we went to the Copper Hog for supper.

I loved my glass of barley wine (10.5% abv and very easy to drink), and it went well with the Bourbon Cashew Chili, a vegetarian option, that I ordered from the Copper Hog's Mardi Gras menu. I've never eaten chili with bourbon or cashews in it before, but it was delicious!

But we hadn't arrived at the Copper Hog as early as we'd planned, and there wasn't enough light to take photos inside. As we walked back to our car, enjoying the evening, I couldn't resist taking a few shots of our local bowling alley, last seen earlier this month in brilliant sunshine (!), now displaying an apocalyptic warning.

Phil went inside the bowling alley to see if there were more photos to be had, and I sat in the car waiting for him and reviewing my shots. And then I looked up, and noticed the interesting effect that the raindrops on the windshield (UK windscreen) had on my view of the street, and took a few more photos, just in case.

I was going to make this my blip for today, but it was just a little too weird -- what do you think?

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