Clear skies

After a prolonged absence from my telescope due to the persistent crapness of our weather, I finally got to do a bit of stargazing.

Still need to figure out the best position in the garden to put the scope in order to avoid the ambient light from a really annoying street light at the back of the garden - this makes it really difficult to focus as the light in my peripheral vision causes me major problems.

I intended to have another go at M42 with my new 4x barlow lens (high magnification), but when I was working, Orion was right above the street light so I had no chance. Shortly after I realised this, I accidently pulled the power cable out of the motor and then had to realign the scope. Stupid girl.

Tried the new barlow lens on the moon instead. This is a section, about 1/3 (at most) of what was visible of the moon tonight and as sharp as I could manage with shutter shake and atmospheric interference. If it is a clear night tomorrow, I'm going to try the webcam and laptop approach...might result in a bit more clarity.

I've also observed Mars (very prettyand it has a lovely blue tinge around the top edge, as well as the red that we all know - and it is RED.

I missed getting the scope onto Jupiter tonight, but did manage to be observing the alignment of the Moon, Jupiter and Venus in a perfect diagonal just as Fisherking text me to say "Get outside" with instructions to look southeast. Just for once, I was one step ahead of him.

Hoping for clear skies in the coming weeks as Saturn starts to rise over the horizon during March, but we probably won't be able to see it till April/May due to the inconveniently placed houses surrounding us.

If anyone has a nice dark garden with no houses and a clear horizon and a chiminea to keep me warm by, I will be coming to visit.

Thanks to supportive colleagues today who kept my humour levels where they needed to be whilst our department waited to hear whether our students' work would be approved by the examiner. I don't know why I worry, because it always is, but I am always full of trepidation when she visits.

The silliest moment of the day. The text from James (and subsequent phonecall when I didn't respond!) "I've got dog poo on one of my shoes, what shall I do?"

Don't ask!

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