A bit of frog's liver...

and yes, I am about to open a nice bottle of Chianti.

But that is just pure chance as Dad gave me a bottle on Sunday. Seeing as painkillers are not working today, I am resorting to alcohol abuse.

Tonight I set up the telescope perfectly, first time, with no issues at all. Well, apart from being dive bombed by a bat. Then after managing to get about 2 minutes of video of Jupiter, the clouds came in. At least I know that my focal reducer , which was a birthday present from my Science faculty colleagues, definitely works and allows me to resolve the focussing issues I had previously.

So, as I haven't yet figured out stacking the video frames, I then got the micrscope out and took some photos of frog parts.

Please rest assured that I do not have a frog colony that I am sacrificing for my viewing pleasure. They are pre-made slides!

That's all. Cleaned boy wonder's room out today - took an hour - was disgusting. Then cooked enchiladas and spag bol and have portioned up to make 7 separate frozen meals for whilst I am post op. Will do some more over the weekend. The freezer is filling up nicely with healthy homemade food. I also managed to eat fruit, take my multivits and eat properly today.

Still feel like rubbish, but this time in three weeks, I should be sleeping in a hospital bed, having had all of the offending stuff removed.

Had good news from a friend today about her health too. Was a big relief.

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