
The things that my son and I talk about just before bedtime.
"I'm having a bit of a strange one at school" says J
"Oh, how so?" I ask
"Well, we have to write a letter to someone about the topic that we are doing for our project and I'm doing the Soviet Union" (He has done a wonderful presentation, full of detail that he has researched and written up, in his own words - his knowledge of the S.U. puts me to shame)
He continued "I have found the name of a Lecturer in Soviet Studies at Bristol University but I can't find the address"
"Would you like me to look?" I replied.

So I have looked, couldn't find the person he was referring to, but have found the name and address at Mancheser University of the Professor of Russian Studies.

I think it is interesting that the students (they are year 6 - 10/11 years old) are being asked to compose a thoughtful letter to someone relevant to their assignment to try to glean more information. It is an important skill - wider research - which all to often, students are lacking an understanding of. All they seem to consider as a source of information these days is the internet. If anybody dares to mention wikipedia in my classroom they get a very harsh scowl!!!

I wonder how this generation would cope if their gadgetry and access to the web was removed. Would they be aghast at the concept of having to use a library, read the information, note page references, titles and authors, transpose, paraphrase. Gosh, I'm having flashbacks to an A'Level English essay about the Ancient Greek poets. AAArgh.

The image - desperation and a lack of inspiration, having got home, sat down with James and supervised his science and maths homework, gone to the gym, gone shopping and then come back at 9pm to have my tea. Bowl of salad with some very lean bacon, fried in olive oil, with some hot chillis, then drizzled with lashings of balsamic vinegar - my favourite condiment! It was yummy.

So, oil and balsamic - that's what it is.

Night all, I'm goosed.

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