
By Cairistiona1

One little drop.

That bloomin' programme on the tv this morning again. Medic comes on and lays out the horrendous statistics for alcohol related illness. The vocal majority decided that

a) it was our right to be allowed to drink if we wanted to,
b) prohibition didn't work so it was a waste of time doing anything
c) people used alcohol as a means of coping anyway (so it would be wrong to deny them that small comfort) and
d) the minority (those who rely on alcohol for comfort) shouldn't spoil it for the majority.

Worse still, when the church jumped in and agreed with the last point.

There but for the grace of and all that.

Seriously I felt as though I had been transported back in time. What between that and the outright homophobia we've seen in the past few months we might as well not have bothered with the 60's and the 70's.

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