Walking the dogs (and children)
The morning did not look picnic-friendly, so the 'picnic then walk then watching rugby' schedule agreed on, was amended to having lunch here instead. And a fine lunch it was. With no food planning at all, we had both been busy making quiche which, supplemented with saucisson sec for the non-quiche-eating children, made for a fine lunch. Which we ended up having outside on our terrace.
Then a lovely long walk along the Roman Road with the dogs (and children) enjoying the freedom. They will all sleep well tonight. Especially Conor who, with the littlest legs, felt a bit hard done by with some of the bigger hills. His reward - indeed all our rewards - was an afternoon slobbing on the sofa eating (in my case) everything in sight and (in J's case) insulting everyone on screen. A very exciting match made for a fine afternoon, even if the result (France beat Scotland) didn't please everyone in the room, despite its predictability. Support for the two sides (with some waverers) was roughly equal - which is pretty much how it looked on the pitch too. Though I may be biased. Conor, after too many upsetting experiences on the losing side, ignored his roots and supported our adopted country rather than the country of his birth. No tears tonight.
So, back to school tomorrow. It's been a rather lazy holiday: we've been nowhere much and done very little for a fortnight. Perfect. Though I think tomorrow morning I might wish I'd nagged a bit more about homework...
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