Veni, vidi, skii
Finally the holiday we've all been waiting for. Blue skies until a bit of fog on the final run of the day. Sadly we'd left our boots in the car overnight so they were icy cold - resulting in a necessary mid-morning chocolat chaud stop to warm up toes a bit. Also, it is entirely possible that second gear has ceased to be in our rental car, but we are mainly putting our fingers in our ears about that and saying "la la la" a lot ... and not driving anywhere until we have to return it on Friday. Lets hope the buses up the hill are working well.
Also, one of my knees is bruised from a catastrophically embarrassing tumble getting off a chair lift, and the other is doing a weird ( and shockingly painful) popping thing every now and then. I've done some kind of damage to most of my toes, and my calves cramped up about every 5 minutes.
Ain't skiing grand...
More tomorrow, since I am all restored with a heady cocktail of sloe gin, ibuprofen, limoncello, steak and ale pie and, all too soon, sleep.
And, if it can be arranged, hopefully a mini blipmeet tomorrow too.
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