Big Girl
2years 128 days
I end the day thinking "eurgh, what a day". But in reality, lots of it was really nice. We had a morning at home, just being at home. That was lovely. I tidyed up her play kitchen stuff - sorted things into little boxes and baskets. She tipped them all out into one big basket and made a drumkit. Bless her.
We got a lovely text asking if Ava and Mummy could come round. It was so nice having them just round the corner. But Katie had refused her sleep so was a bit out of sorts. They of course were playing beautifully when it was time for them to leave! But it was great to see them.
We then packed up and set off to visit Victoria and family. We got about 20 minutes into the 45minute journey when the plan rapidly fell apart. The car got very very poorly, so I pulled into a safe place. And spent the next 1 1/2 hours waiting for the AA. Katie slept all that time. She was very concerned when she woke up and couldnt quite work out what was going on. But we got a tow home and are warm and cosy now, shes just a little sad that the day hasnt ended to plan. However, she has pink wafer biscuits, so all is well in the world.
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